August 20, 2024

What's the big deal about Deterministic Simulation Testing?

Bugs in distributed systems are hard to find, largely because systems interact in chaotic ways. And even once you've found a bug, it can be anywhere from simple to impossible to reproduce it. It's about as far away as you can get from the ideal test environment: property testing a pure function.

But what if we could write our code in a way that we can isolate the chaotic aspects of our distributed system during testing: run multiple systems communicating with each other on a single thread and control all randomness in each system? And property test this single-threaded version of the distributed system with controlled randomness, all the while injecting faults (fancy term for unhappy path behavior like errors and latency) we might see in the real-world?

Crazy as it sounds, people actually do this. It's called Deterministic Simulation Testing (DST). And it's become more and more popular with startups like FoundationDB, Antithesis, TigerBeetle, Polar Signals, and WarpStream; as well as folks like Tyler Neely and Pekka Enberg, talking about and making use of this technique.

It has become so popular to talk about DST in my corner of the world that I worry it risks coming off sounding too magical and maybe a little hyped. It's worth getting a better understanding of both the benefits and the limitations.

Thank you to Alex Miller and Will Wilson for reviewing a version of this post.

Randomness and time

A big source of non-determinism in business logic is the use of random numbers—in your code or your transitive dependencies or your language runtime or your operating system.

Crucially, DST does not imply you can't have randomness! DST merely assumes that you have a global seed for all randomness in your program and that the simulator controls the seed. The seed may change across runs of the simulator.

Once you observe a bad state as a result of running the simulation on a random seed, you allow the user to enter the same seed again. This allows the user to recreate the entire program run that led to that observed bad state. Allows the user to debug the program trivially.

Another big source of non-determinism is being dependent on time. As with randomness, DST does not mean you can't depend on time. DST means you must be able to control the clock during the simulation.

To "control" randomness or time basically means you support dependency injection, or the old-school alternative to dependency injection called passing the dependency as an explicit parameter. Rather than referring to a global clock or a global seed, you need to be able to receive a clock or a seed from someone.

For example we might separate the operation of an application into the language's main() entrypoint and an actual application start() entrypoint.

# app.pseudocode

def start(clock, seed):
  # lots of business logic that might depend on time or do random things

def main:
  clock = time.clock()
  seed =
  app.start(clock, seed)

The application entrypoint is where we must be able to swap out a real clock or real random seed for one controlled by our simulator:

# sim.pseudocode

import "app.pseudocode"

def main:
  sim_clock = make_sim_clock()
  sim_seed = os.env.DST_SEED or
    app.start(sim_clock, sim_seed)
    print("Bad execution at seed: %s", sim_seed)
    throw e

Let's look at another example.

Converting an existing function

Let's say that we had a helper method that kept calling a function until it succeeded, with backoff.

# retry.pseudocode
class Backoff:
  def init:
    this.rnd = =
    this.tries = 0

  async def retry_backoff(f):
    while this.tries < 3:
      if f():

      await time.sleep(this.rnd.gen())

There is a single source of nondeterminism here and it's where we generate a seed. We could parameterize the seed, but since we want to call time.sleep() and since in DST we control the time, we can just parameterize time.

# retry.psuedocode
class Backoff:
  def init(this, time):
    this.time = time
    this.rnd = =
    this.tries = 0

  async def retry_backoff(this, f):
    while this.tries < 3:
      if f():

      await this.time.sleep(this.rnd.gen())

Now we can write a little simulator to test this:

# sim.psuedocode
import "retry.pseudocode"

sim_time = {
  now: 0
  sleep: (ms) => {
    await future.wait(ms)
  tick: (ms) => now += ms

backoff = Backoff(sim_time)

while true:
  failures = 0
  f = () => {
    if rnd.rand() > 0.5:
      return false

    return true
    while < 60min:
      promise = backoff.retry_backoff(f)

    assert_expect_failure_and_expected_time_elapse(sim_time, failures)
    print("Found logical error with seed: %d", seed)
    throw e

This demonstrates a few critical aspects of DST. First, the simulator itself depends on randomness. But allows the user to provide a seed so they can replay a simulation that discovers a bug. The controlled randomness in the simulator is what lets us do property testing.

Second, the simulation workload must be written by the user. Even when you've got a platform like Antithesis that gives you an environment for DST, it's up to you to exercise the application.

Now let's get a little more complex.

A single thread and asynchronous IO

The determinism of multiple threads can only be controlled at the operating system or emulator or hypervisor layer. Realistically, that would require third-party systems like Antithesis or Hermit (which, don't get excited, is not actively developed and hasn't worked on any interesting program of mine) or rr.

These systems transparently transform multi-threaded code into single threaded code. But also note that Hermit and rr have only limited ability to do fault injection which, in addition to deterministic execution, is a goal of ours. And you can't run them on a mac. And can't run them on ARM.

But we can, and would like, to write a simulator without writing a new operating system or emulator or hypervisor, and without a third-party system. So we must limit ourselves to writing code that can be collapsed into a single thread. Significantly, since using blocking IO would mean an entire class of concurrency bugs could not be discovered while running the simulator in a single thread, we must limit ourselves to asynchronous IO.

Single threaded and asynchronous IO. These are already two big limitations.

Some languages like Go are entirely built around transparent multi-threading and blocking IO. Polar Signals solved this for DST by compiling their application to WASM where it would run on a single thread. But that wasn't enough. Even on a single thread, the Go runtime intentionally schedules goroutines randomly. So Polar Signals forked the Go runtime to control this randomness with an environment variable. That's kind of crazy. Resonate took another approach that also looks cumbersome. I'm not going to attempt to describe it. Go seems like a difficult choice of a language if you want to do DST.

Like Go, Rust has no builtin async IO. The most mature async IO library is tokio. The tokio folks attempted to provide a tokio-compatible simulator implementation with all sources of nondeterminism removed. From what I can tell, they did not at any point fully succeed. That repo has now been replaced with a "this is very experimental" tokio-rs project called turmoil that provides deterministic execution plus network fault injection. (But not disk fault injection. More on that later.) It isn't surprising that it is difficult to provide deterministic execution for an IO library that was not designed for it. tokio is a large project with many transitive dependencies. They must all be combed for non-determinism.

On the other hand, Pekka has already demonstrated for us how we might build a simpler Rust async IO library that is designed to be simulation tested. He modeled this on the TigerBeetle design King and I wrote about two years ago.

So let's sketch out a program that does buggy IO and let's look at how we can apply DST to it.

# readfile.pseudocode
def read_file(io, name, into_buffer):
  f = await
  read_buffer = [4096]u8{}
  while true:
    err, n_read = await
    if err == io.EOF:

    if err:
      throw err


In our simulator, we will provide a mocked out IO system and we will randomly inject various errors while asserting pre- and post-conditions.

# sim.psuedocode
import "readfile.pseudocode"

seed = if os.env.DST_SEED ? int(os.env.DST_SEED) :
rnd =

while true:
  sim_disk_data = rnd.rand_bytes(10MB)
  sim_fd = {
    pos: 0
    EOF: Error("eof")
    read: (fd, buf) => {
      partial_read = rnd.rand_in_range_inclusive(0, sizeof(buf))
      memcpy(sim_disk_data, buf, fd.pos, partial_read)
      fd.pos += partial_read
      if fd.pos == sizeof(sim_disk_data):
        return io.EOF, partial_read
      return partial_read 
  sim_io = {
    open: (filename) => sim_fd

  out_buf = Vector<u8>.new()
    read_file(sim_io, "somefile", out_buf)
    assert_bytes_equal(, sim_disk_data)
  catch (e):
    print("Found logical error with seed: %d", seed)
    throw e

And with this simulator we would have eventually caught our partial read bug! In our original program when we wrote:


We should have written:


Great! Let's get a little more complex.

A distributed system

I already mentioned in the beginning that the gist of deterministic simulation testing a distributed system is that you get all of the nodes in the system to run in the same process. This would be basically impossible if you wanted to test a system that involved your application plus Kafka plus Postgres plus Redis. But if your system is a self-contained distributed system, such as one that embeds a Raft library for high availability of your application, you can actually run multiple nodes into the same process!

For a system like this, our simulator might look like:

# sim.pseudocode
import "distsys-node.pseudocode"

seed = if os.env.DST_SEED ? int(os.env.DST_SEED) :
rnd =

while true:
  sim_fd = {
    send(fd, buf) => {
      # Inject random failure.
      if rnd.rand() > .5:
         throw Error('bad write')

      # Inject random latency.
      if rnd.rand() > .5:
        await time.sleep(rnd.rand())

      n_written = assert_ok(os.fd.write(buf))
      return n_written
    recv(fd, buf) => {
      # Inject random failure.
      if rnd.rand() > .5:
         throw Error('bad read')

      # Inject random latency.
      if rnd.rand() > .5:
        await time.sleep(rnd.rand())

  sim_io = {
    open: (filename) => {
      # Inject random failure.
      if rnd.rand() > .5:
        throw Error('bad open')

      # Inject random latency.
      if rnd.rand() > .5:
        await time.sleep(rnd.rand())

      return sim_fd

  all_ports = [6000, 6001, 6002]
  nodes = [
    await distsys-node.start(sim_io, all_ports[0], all_ports),
    await distsys-node.start(sim_io, all_ports[1], all_ports),
    await distsys-node.start(sim_io, all_ports[2], all_ports),
  history = []
    key = rnd.rand_bytes(10)
    value = rnd.rand_bytes(10)
    nodes[rnd.rand_in_range_inclusive(0, len(nodes)].insert(key, value)
    history.add((key, value))
    assert_valid_history(nodes, history)

    # Crash a process every so often
    if rnd.rand() > 0.75:
      node = nodes[rnd.rand_in_range_inclusive(0, 3)]
  catch (e):
    print("Found logical error with seed: %d", seed)
    throw e

I'm completely hand waving here to demonstrate the broader point and not any specific testing strategy for a specific distributed system. The important points are that these three nodes run in the same process, on different ports.

We control disk IO. We control network IO. We control how time elapses. We run a deterministic simulated workload against the three node system while injecting disk, network, and process faults.

And we are constantly checking for an invalid state. When we get the invalid state, we can be sure the user can easily recreate this invalid state.

Other sources of non-determinism

Within some error margin, most CPU instructions and most CPU behavior are considered to be deterministic. There are, however, certain CPU instructions that are definitely not. Unfortunately that might include system calls. It might also include malloc. There is very little to trust.

If we ignore Antithesis, people doing DST seem not to worry about these smaller bits of nondeterminism. Yet it's generally agreed that DST is still worthwhile anyway. The intuition here is that every bit of non-determinism you can eliminate makes it that much easier to reproduce bugs when you find them.

Put another way: determinism, even among DST practitioners, remains a spectrum.


As you may have noticed already from some of the pseudocode, DST is not a panacea.

Consideration 1: Edges

First, because you must swap out non-deterministic parts of your code, you are not actually testing the entirety of your code. You are certainly encouraged to keep the deterministic kernel large. But there will always be the non-deterministic edges.

Without a system like Antithesis which gives you an entire deterministic machine, you can't test your whole program.

But even with Antithesis you cannot test the integration between your system and external systems. You must mock out the external systems.

It's also worth noting that there are many areas where you could inject simulation. You could do it at a high-level RPC and storage layer. This would be simpler and easier to understand. But then you'd be omitting testing and error-handling of lower-level errors.

Consideration 2: Your workload(s)

DST is dependent on your creativity and thoroughness of your workload as much as any other type of test or benchmark.

Just as you wouldn't depend on one single benchmark to qualify your application, you may not want to depend on a single simulated workload.

Or as Will Wilson put it for me:

The biggest challenge of DST in my experience is that tuning all the random distributions, the parameters of your system, the workload, the fault injection, etc. so that it produces interesting behavior is very challenging and very labor intensive. As with fuzzing or PBT, it's terrifyingly easy to build a DST system that appears to be doing a ton of testing, but actually never explores very much of the state space of your system. At FoundationDB, the vast majority of the work we put into the simulator was an iterative process of hunting for what wasn't being covered by our tests and then figuring out how to make the tests better. This process often resembles science more than it does engineering.

Unfortunately, unlike with fuzzing, mere branch coverage in your code is usually a pretty poor signal for the kinds of systems you want to test with DST. At Antithesis we handle this with Sometimes assertions, at FDB we did something pretty similar, and I assume TigerBeetle and others have their own version of this. But of course the ultimate figure of merit is whether your DST system is finding 100% of your bugs. It's quite difficult to get to the point that it does. The truly ambitious part of Antithesis isn't the hypervisor, but the fact that we also aim to solve the much harder "is my DST working?" problem with minimal human guidance or supervision.

Consideration 3: Your knowledge of what you mocked

When you mock out the behavior of disk or network IO, the benefits of DST are tied to your understanding of the spectrum of behavior that may happen in the real world.

What are all possible error conditions? What are the extreme latency bounds of the original method? What about corruption or misdirected IO?

The flipside here is that only in deterministic simulation testing can you configure these crazy scenarios to happen at a configurable regularity. You can kick off a set of runs that have especially high IO latency or especially high corrupt reads/writes. Joran and I wrote a year ago about how the TigerBeetle simulator does exactly this.

Consideration 4: Non-reproducible seeds as code changes

Critically, the reproducibility of DST only helps so long as your code doesn't change. As soon as your code changes, the seed may no longer even get you to the state where the bug was exhibited. So the reproducibility of DST means more that it may help you convert the seed simulation run into an integration test that describes the precise scenario even as the code changes.

Consideration 5: Time and compute

Because of Consideration 4, you need to keep rerunning the simulator not just to keep finding new seeds and new histories but because the new seeds and new histories may change every time you make changes to code.

What about Jepsen?

Jepsen does limited process and network fault injection while testing for linearizability. It's a fantastic project.

However, it represents only a subset of what is possible with Deterministic Simulation Testing (if you actually put in the effort described above to get there).

But even more importantly, Jepsen has nothing to do with deterministic execution. If Jepsen finds a bug and your system can't do deterministic execution, you may or may not be able to reproduce that Jepsen bug.

Here's another Will Wilson quote for you on Jepsen and FoundationDB:

Anyway, we did [Deterministic Simulation Testing] for a while and found all of the bugs in the database. I know, I know, that’s an insane thing to say. It’s kind of true though. In the entire history of the company, I think we only ever had one or two bugs reported by a customer. Ever. Kyle Kingsbury aka “aphyr” didn’t even bother testing it with Jepsen, because he didn’t think he’d find anything.


The degree to which you can place faith in DST alone, and not time spent in production, has limits. However, it certainly does no harm to employ DST. And, barring the considerations described above, will likely make the kernel of your product significantly more stable. Furthermore, everyone who uses DST knows about these considerations. But I think it's worthwhile to list them out to help folks who do not know DST to build an intuition for what it's excellent at.

Further reading: