May 1, 2020

Writing a SQL database from scratch in Go: 3. indexes

Previously in database basics:
2. binary expressions and WHERE filters

Next in database basics:
4. a database/sql driver

In this post, we extend gosql to support indexes. We focus on the addition of PRIMARY KEY constraints on table creation and some easy optimizations during SELECT statements.

$ go run cmd/main.go
Welcome to gosql.
# CREATE TABLE users (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INT);
# \d users
Table "users"
Column |  Type   | Nullable
id     | integer | not null
name   | text    |
age    | integer |
        "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, rbtree ("id")

This post will broadly be a discussion of this commit.

What is an index?

An index is a mapping of a value to a row in a table. The value is often a column, but it can be many kinds of expressions. Databases typically store indexes in tree structures that provide O(log(n)) lookup time. When SELECTing and filtering on a column that is indexed, a database can greatly improve lookup time by filtering first on this index. Without an index, a database must do a linear scan for matching rows. Though sometimes if a condition is broad enough, even with an index, a database may still end up doing a linear scan.

While it may make sense initially to map a value to a row using a hash table for constant lookup times, hash tables don't provide ordering. So this would prevent an index from being applicable on anything but equality checks. For example, SELECT x FROM y WHERE x > 2 couldn't use a hash index on x.

Indexes in many SQL databases default to a B-Tree, which offers efficient ordering of elements. These indexes are thus not constant-time lookups even if filtering on a unique column for a single item. Some databases, like PostgreSQL, allow you to use a hash-based index instead of a tree. Here the previously listed restrictions apply (i.e. only equality checks will use the index).

Upgrading gosql

We proceed as follows:

  • Upgrade table creation to support specifying a primary key
    • Pick a tree data structure for the index, adding it to the table
  • Upgrade INSERTs to let any indexes on the table process the new row
  • Upgrade SELECTs to make use of any indexes, if possible

Upgrading table creation

To allow the specification of a single column as the primary key when creating a table, we have to first modify the lexer and parser.


Since we've covered this process a few times already suffice it so say we make the following key additions:

In-memory backend

Next we move on to handling a primary key during table creation.

Since there are many existing papers and blogs on implementing tree data structures, we will import an open-source implementation. And while most databases use a B-Tree, the most important properties of the tree for our purposes are 1) efficient ordering and 2) optionally duplicate keys. We go with a Red-Black Tree, GoLLRB.

The full definition of an index now includes:

  • A name
  • An expression (at first we only support this being an identifier referring to a column)
  • A unique flag
  • A type name (it will just be rbtree for now)
  • A primary key flag (so we know to apply null checks among other things)
  • And the actual tree itself
type index struct {
    name       string
    exp        expression
    unique     bool
    primaryKey bool
    tree       *llrb.LLRB
    typ        string

When we create a table, we add an index if one of the columns is a primary key. We call out to a new public method, CreateIndex, that will handle actually setting things up.

func (mb *MemoryBackend) CreateTable(crt *CreateTableStatement) error {
    if _, ok := mb.tables[]; ok {
        return ErrTableAlreadyExists

    t := createTable() =
    mb.tables[] = t
    if crt.cols == nil {
        return nil

    var primaryKey *expression = nil
    for _, col := range *crt.cols {
        t.columns = append(t.columns,

        var dt ColumnType
        switch col.datatype.value {
        case "int":
            dt = IntType
        case "text":
            dt = TextType
        case "boolean":
            dt = BoolType
            return ErrInvalidDatatype

        if col.primaryKey {
            if primaryKey != nil {
                return ErrPrimaryKeyAlreadyExists

            primaryKey = &expression{
                literal: &,
                kind:    literalKind,

        t.columnTypes = append(t.columnTypes, dt)

    if primaryKey != nil {
        err := mb.CreateIndex(&CreateIndexStatement{
            name:       token{value: + "_pkey"},
            unique:     true,
            primaryKey: true,
            exp:        *primaryKey,
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

Implementing CreateIndex is just a matter of adding a new index to the table.

func (mb *MemoryBackend) CreateIndex(ci *CreateIndexStatement) error {
    table, ok := mb.tables[ci.table.value]
    if !ok {
        return ErrTableDoesNotExist

    for _, index := range table.indexes {
        if == {
            return ErrIndexAlreadyExists

    index := &index{
        exp:        ci.exp,
        unique:     ci.unique,
        primaryKey: ci.primaryKey,
        tree:       llrb.New(),
        typ:        "rbtree",
    table.indexes = append(table.indexes, index)
    return nil

And that's it for creation of tables and indexes! Table creation is also the last time we need to make changes to the gosql frontend. The rest of the changes simply wrap existing insertion and selection.

Upgrading INSERT

When a row is inserted into a table, each index on that table needs to process the row so it can add value-to-row mappings to the index.

In the project code, you'll notice logic in CreateIndex to also go back over all existing rows to add them to the new index. This post omits further discussing the case where an index is created after a table is created. After reading this post, that case should be easy to follow.

Adding a row to an index is a matter of evaluting the index expression against that row and storing the resulting value in the tree. Along with the value, we store the integer index of the row in the table.

If the index is required to be unique, we first check that the value does not yet exist.

func (i *index) addRow(t *table, rowIndex uint) error {
    indexValue, _, _, err := t.evaluateCell(rowIndex, i.exp)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if indexValue == nil {
        return ErrViolatesNotNullConstraint

    if i.unique && i.tree.Has(treeItem{value: indexValue}) {
        return ErrViolatesUniqueConstraint

        value: indexValue,
        index: rowIndex,
    return nil

And that's it for insertion!

Upgrading SELECT

Until now, the logic for selecting rows from a table is to pick the table and iterate over all rows. If the row does not match the WHERE filter, we pass the row.

If the table has an index and we are using the index in a recognized pattern in the WHERE AST (more on that later), we can pre-filter the table based on the index before iterating over each row. We can do this for each index and for each time a recognized pattern shows up.

This process is called query planning. We build a simplified version of what you may see in SQL databases, specifically focusing on index usage since we don't yet support JOINs. For further reading, SQLite has an excellent document on their query planner for index usage.

func (mb *MemoryBackend) Select(slct *SelectStatement) (*Results, error) {
    t := createTable()

    if slct.from != nil {
        var ok bool
        t, ok = mb.tables[slct.from.value]
        if !ok {
            return nil, ErrTableDoesNotExist

    if slct.item == nil || len(*slct.item) == 0 {
        return &Results{}, nil

    results := [][]Cell{}
    columns := []ResultColumn{}

    if slct.from == nil {
        t = createTable()
        t.rows = [][]memoryCell{{}}

    for _, iAndE := range t.getApplicableIndexes(slct.where) {
        index := iAndE.i
        exp := iAndE.e
        t = index.newTableFromSubset(t, exp)

    for i := range t.rows {
        result := []Cell{}
        isFirstRow := len(results) == 0

        if slct.where != nil {
            val, _, _, err := t.evaluateCell(uint(i), *slct.where)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            if !*val.AsBool() {

        for _, col := range finalItems {
            value, columnName, columnType, err := t.evaluateCell(uint(i), *col.exp)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            if isFirstRow {
                columns = append(columns, ResultColumn{
                    Type: columnType,
                    Name: columnName,

            result = append(result, value)

        results = append(results, result)

    return &Results{
        Columns: columns,
        Rows:    results,
    }, nil

It's very simple and easy to miss, here is the change called out:

    for _, iAndE := range t.getApplicableIndexes(slct.where) {
        index := iAndE.i
        exp := iAndE.e
        t = index.newTableFromSubset(t, exp)


There are probably a few very simple patterns we could look for, but for now we look for boolean expressions joined by AND that contain an index expression.

func (t *table) getApplicableIndexes(where *expression) []indexAndExpression {
    var linearizeExpressions func(where *expression, exps []expression) []expression
    linearizeExpressions = func(where *expression, exps []expression) []expression {
        if where == nil || where.kind != binaryKind {
            return exps

        if where.binary.op.value == string(orKeyword) {
            return exps

        if where.binary.op.value == string(andKeyword) {
            exps := linearizeExpressions(&where.binary.a, exps)
            return linearizeExpressions(&where.binary.b, exps)

        return append(exps, *where)

    exps := linearizeExpressions(where, []expression{})

    iAndE := []indexAndExpression{}
    for _, exp := range exps {
        for _, index := range t.indexes {
            if index.applicableValue(exp) != nil {
                iAndE = append(iAndE, indexAndExpression{
                    i: index,
                    e: exp,

    return iAndE

More specifically though, within binary operations we only support matching on an index if the following three conditions are met:

  • the operator is one of =, <>, >, <, >=, or <=
  • one of the operands is an identifier literal that matches the index's exp value
  • the other operand is a literal value

This is a simpler, stricter matching of an index than PostgreSQL where you can index expressions more generally, not just identifer literals.

func (i *index) applicableValue(exp expression) *expression {
    if exp.kind != binaryKind {
        return nil

    be := exp.binary
    // Find the column and the value in the boolean expression
    columnExp := be.a
    valueExp := be.b
    if columnExp.generateCode() != i.exp.generateCode() {
        columnExp = be.b
        valueExp = be.a

    // Neither side is applicable, return nil
    if columnExp.generateCode() != i.exp.generateCode() {
        return nil

    supportedChecks := []symbol{eqSymbol, neqSymbol, gtSymbol, gteSymbol, ltSymbol, lteSymbol}
    supported := false
    for _, sym := range supportedChecks {
        if string(sym) == be.op.value {
            supported = true
    if !supported {
        return nil

    if valueExp.kind != literalKind {
        fmt.Println("Only index checks on literals supported")
        return nil

    return &valueExp

And that's it for finding applicable indexes.


The last remaining piece is to go from a boolean expression in a WHERE clause (where an index is applicable) to a subset of rows in a table.

Since we are only working with patterns of the type indexed-column OP literal-value, we grab the literal using the previous applicableValue helper. Then we look up that literal value in the index and return a new table with every row in the index that meets the condition of the operator for the literal value.

func (i *index) newTableFromSubset(t *table, exp expression) *table {
    valueExp := i.applicableValue(exp)
    if valueExp == nil {
        return t

    value, _, _, err := createTable().evaluateCell(0, *valueExp)
    if err != nil {
        return t

    tiValue := treeItem{value: value}

    indexes := []uint{}
    switch symbol(exp.binary.op.value) {
    case eqSymbol:
        i.tree.AscendGreaterOrEqual(tiValue, func(i llrb.Item) bool {
            ti := i.(treeItem)

            if !bytes.Equal(ti.value, value) {
                return false

            indexes = append(indexes, ti.index)
            return true
    case neqSymbol:
        i.tree.AscendGreaterOrEqual(llrb.Inf(-1), func(i llrb.Item) bool {
            ti := i.(treeItem)
            if bytes.Equal(ti.value, value) {
                indexes = append(indexes, ti.index)

            return true
    case ltSymbol:
        i.tree.DescendLessOrEqual(tiValue, func(i llrb.Item) bool {
            ti := i.(treeItem)
            if bytes.Compare(ti.value, value) < 0 {
                indexes = append(indexes, ti.index)

            return true
    case lteSymbol:
        i.tree.DescendLessOrEqual(tiValue, func(i llrb.Item) bool {
            ti := i.(treeItem)
            if bytes.Compare(ti.value, value) <= 0 {
                indexes = append(indexes, ti.index)

            return true
    case gtSymbol:
        i.tree.AscendGreaterOrEqual(tiValue, func(i llrb.Item) bool {
            ti := i.(treeItem)
            if bytes.Compare(ti.value, value) > 0 {
                indexes = append(indexes, ti.index)

            return true
    case gteSymbol:
        i.tree.AscendGreaterOrEqual(tiValue, func(i llrb.Item) bool {
            ti := i.(treeItem)
            if bytes.Compare(ti.value, value) >= 0 {
                indexes = append(indexes, ti.index)

            return true

    newT := createTable()
    newT.columns = t.columns
    newT.columnTypes = t.columnTypes
    newT.indexes = t.indexes
    newT.rows = [][]memoryCell{}

    for _, index := range indexes {
        newT.rows = append(newT.rows, t.rows[index])

    return newT

As you can see, an index may not necessarily improve on a linear search in some conditions. Imagine a table of 1 million rows indexed on an autoincrementing column. Imagine filtering on col > 10. The index may be able to eliminate 10 items but still return a pre-filtered table of around 1 million rows that must be passed through the WHERE filter.

Additionally since we process each boolean expression one at a time, we can't take advantage of knowledge that might seem obvious to a human for two boolean expressions that together bound a range. For example in x > 10 AND x < 20 we can see that only integers from 11 to 19 are applicable. But the current logic would go through each expression separately and find all rows that match either before the final linear search through all pre-filtered rows would eliminate the bulk.

Thankfully real databases have decades of optimizations. But even then it can be difficult to know what index usages are being optimized without reading documentation, benchmarking, using EXPLAIN ANALYSE, or reading the source.

But that's it for changes needed to support basic indexes end-to-end!

Trialing an index

Since the addition of indexes is so seamless, it is difficult to tell without trial that the index is effective. So we write a simple program that inserts N rows with and without an index. Finally it will query for the first and last items inserted. We show time and memory used during both insertion and selection.

package main

import (


var inserts = 0
var lastId = 0
var firstId = 0

func doInsert(mb gosql.Backend) {
    parser := gosql.Parser{}
    for i := 0; i < inserts; i++ {
        lastId = i
        if i == 0 {
            firstId = lastId
        ast, err := parser.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO users VALUES (%d)", lastId))
        if err != nil {

        err = mb.Insert(ast.Statements[0].InsertStatement)
        if err != nil {

func doSelect(mb gosql.Backend) {
    parser := gosql.Parser{}
    ast, err := parser.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = %d", lastId))
    if err != nil {

    r, err := mb.Select(ast.Statements[0].SelectStatement)
    if err != nil {

    if len(r.Rows) != 1 {
        panic("Expected 1 row")

    if int(*r.Rows[0][1].AsInt()) != inserts-1 {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad row, got: %d", r.Rows[0][1].AsInt()))

    ast, err = parser.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = %d", firstId))
    if err != nil {

    r, err = mb.Select(ast.Statements[0].SelectStatement)
    if err != nil {

    if len(r.Rows) != 1 {
        panic("Expected 1 row")

    if int(*r.Rows[0][1].AsInt()) != 0 {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad row, got: %d", r.Rows[0][1].AsInt()))

func perf(name string, b gosql.Backend, cb func(b gosql.Backend)) {
    start := time.Now()
    fmt.Println("Starting", name)
    fmt.Printf("Finished %s: %f seconds\n", name, time.Since(start).Seconds())

    var m runtime.MemStats
    fmt.Printf("Alloc = %d MiB\n\n", m.Alloc/1024/1024)

func main() {
    mb := gosql.NewMemoryBackend()

    index := false
    for i, arg := range os.Args {
        if arg == "--with-index" {
            index = true

        if arg == "--inserts" {
            inserts, _ = strconv.Atoi(os.Args[i+1])

    primaryKey := ""
    if index {
        primaryKey = " PRIMARY KEY"

    parser := gosql.Parser{}
    ast, err := parser.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("CREATE TABLE users (id INT%s)", primaryKey))
    if err != nil {

    err = mb.CreateTable(ast.Statements[0].CreateTableStatement)
    if err != nil {

    indexingString := " with indexing enabled"
    if !index {
        indexingString = ""
    fmt.Printf("Inserting %d rows%s\n", inserts, indexingString)

    perf("INSERT", mb, doInsert)

    perf("SELECT", mb, doSelect)

Build and run once without an index:

$ go build cmd/indextest/main.go
./main --inserts 1000000
Inserting 1000000 rows
Starting INSERT
Finished INSERT: 76.175133 seconds
Alloc = 239 MiB

Starting SELECT
Finished SELECT: 1.301556 seconds
Alloc = 238 MiB

And run again with an index:

./main --inserts 1000000 --with-index
Inserting 1000000 rows with indexing enabled
Starting INSERT
Finished INSERT: 89.108121 seconds
Alloc = 341 MiB

Starting SELECT
Finished SELECT: 0.000137 seconds
Alloc = 341 MiB

The basic tradeoff that you can see is that for more memory and longer insertion times, you get a significantly faster lookup.