July 1, 2024

A write-ahead log is not a universal part of durability

A database does not need a write-ahead log (WAL) to achieve durability. A database can write its long-term data structure durably to disk before returning to a client. Granted, this is a bad idea! And granted, a WAL is critical for durability by design in most databases. But I think it's helpful to understand WALs by understanding what you could do without them.

So let's look at what terrible design we can make for a durable database that has no write-ahead log. To motivate the idea of, and build an intuition for, a write-ahead log.

Thank you to Alex Miller for reviewing a version of this post.

But first, what is durability?


Durability happens in the context of a request a client makes to a data system (either an embedded system like SQLite or RocksDB or a standalone system like Postgres). Durability is a spectrum of guarantees the server provides when a client requests to write some data: that either the request succeeds and the data is safely written to disk, or the request fails and the client must retry or decide to do something else.

It can be difficult to set an absolute definition for durability since different databases have different concepts of what can go wrong with disks (also called a "storage fault model"), or they have no concept at all.

Let's start from the beginning.

An in-memory database

An in-memory database has no durability at all. Here is pseudo-code for an in-memory database service.

db = btree()

def handle_write(req):
  db.update(req.key, req.value)
  return 200, {}

def handle_read(req):
  value = db.read(req.key)
  return 200, {"value": value}

Throughout this post, for the sake of code brevity, imagine that the environment is concurrent and that data races around shared mutable values like db are protected somehow.

Writing to disk

If we want to achieve the most basic level of durability, we can write this database to a file.

f = open("kv.db")
db = btree.init_from_disk(f)

def handle_write(req):
  db.update(req.key, req.value)
  return 200, {}

def handle_read(req):
  value = db.read(req.key)
  return 200, {"value": value}

btree.write_to_disk will call pwrite(2) under the hood. And we'll assume it does copy-on-write for only changed pages. So imagine we have a large database represented by a btree that takes up 10GiB on disk. With the btree algorithm, if we write a single entry to the btree, often only a single (often 4Kib) page will get written rather than all pages (holding all values) in the tree. At the same time, in the worst case, the entire tree (all 10GiB of data) may need to get rewritten.

But this code isn't crash-safe. If the virtual or physical machine this code is running on reboots, the data we wrote to the file may not actually be on disk.


File data is buffered by the operating system by default. By general consensus, writing data without flushing the operating system buffer is not considered durable. Every so often a new database will show up on Hacker News claiming to beat all other databases on insert speed until a commenter points out the new database doesn't actually flush data to disk.

In other words, the commonly accepted requirement for durability is that not only do you write data to a file on disk but you fsync(2) the file you wrote. This forces the operating system to flush to disk any data it has buffered.

f = open("kv.db")
db = btree.init_from_disk(f)

def handle_write(req):
  db.update(req.key, req.value)
  f.fsync() # Force a flush
  return 200, {}

def handle_read(req):
  value = db.read(req.key)
  return 200, {"value": value}

Furthermore you must not ignore fsync failure. How you deal with fsync failure is up to you, but exiting immediately with a message that the user should restore from a backup is sometimes considered acceptable.

Databases don't like to fsync because it's slow. Many major databases offer modes where they do not fsync data files before returning a success to a client. Postgres offers this unsafe mode, though does not default to it and warns against it. MongoDB offers this unsafe mode but does not default to it.

An earlier version of this post said that MongoDB would unsafely flush on an interval. Daniel Gomez Ferro from MongoDB messaged me that while the docs are confusing, the default write concern "majority" does actually imply "j: true" which means data is synchronized (i.e. fsync-ed) before returning a success to a client.

Almost every database trades safety for performance in some regard. For example, few databases but SQLite and Cockroach default to Serializable Isolation. While it is commonly agreed that basically no level below Serializable Isolation (that all other databases default to) can be reasoned about. Other databases offer Serializable Isolation, they just don't default to it. Because it can be slow.

Group commit

But let's get back to fsync. One way to amortize the cost of fsync is to delay requests so that you write data from each of them and then fsync the data from all requests. This is sometimes called group commit.

For example, we could update the database in-memory but have a background thread serialize to disk and call fsync only every 5ms.

f = open("kv.db")
db = btree.init_from_disk(f)

group_commit_sems = []

def group_commit():
    if clock() % 5ms == 0:
      f.fsync() # Durably flush for the group
      for sem in group_commit_sems:

def handle_write(req):
  db.update(req.key, req.value)
  sem = semaphore()
  return 200, {}

def handle_read(req):
  value = db.read(req.key)
  return 200, {"value": value}

It is critical that handle_write waits to return a success until the write is durable via fsync.

So to reiterate, the key idea for durability of a client request is that you have some version of the client message stored on disk durably with fsync before returning a success to a client.

From now on in this post, when you see "durable" or "durability", it means that the data has been written and fsync-ed to disk.

Optimizing durable writes

A key insight is that it's silly to serialize the entire permanent structure of the database to disk every time a user writes.

We could just write the user's message itself to an append-only log. And then only periodically write the entire btree to disk. So long as we have fsync-ed the append-only log file, we can safely return to the user even if the btree itself has not yet been written to disk.

The additional logic this requires is that on startup we must read the btree from disk and then replay the log on top of the btree.

f = open("kv.db", "rw")
db = btree.init_from_disk(f)

log_f = open("kv.log", "rw")
l = log.init_from_disk()
for log in l.read_logs_from(db.last_log_index):
  db.update(log.key, log.value)

group_commit_sems = []

def group_commit():
    log_accumulator = log_page()
    if clock() % 5ms == 0:
      for (log, _) in group_commit_sems:

      log_f.write(log_accumulator.page()) # Write out all log entries at once
      log_f.fsync() # Durably flush wal data
      for (_, sem) in group_commit_sems:

    if clock() % 1m == 0:
      f.fsync() # Durably flush db data

def handle_write(req):
  db.update(req.key, req.value)
  sem = semaphore()
  log = req
  group_commit_sems.push((log, sem))
  sem.wait() # This time waiting for only the log to be written and flushed, not the btree.
  return 200, {}

def handle_read(req):
  value = db.read(req.key)
  return 200, {"value": value}

This is a write-ahead log!

Consider a few scenarios. One request writes the smallest key ever seen. And one request within the same millisecond writes the largest key ever seen. Writing these to disk on the btree means modifying at least two pages spread out in space on disk.

But if we only have to durably write these two messages to a log, they can likely both be included in the same log page. ("Likely" so long as key and values are small enough that multiple can fit into the same page.)

That is, it's cheaper to write only these small messages representing the client request to disk. And we save the structured btree persistence for a less frequent durable write.

Filesystem and disk bugs

Sometimes filesystems will write data to the wrong place. Sometimes disks corrupt data. A solution to both of these is to checksum the data on write, store the checksum on disk, and confirm the checksum on read. This combined with a background process called scrubbing to validate unread data can help you learn quickly when your data has been corrupted and you must recover from backup.

MongoDB's default storage engine WiredTiger does checksum data by default.

But some databases famous for integrity do not. Postgres does no data checksumming by default:

By default, data pages are not protected by checksums, but this can optionally be enabled for a cluster. When enabled, each data page includes a checksum that is updated when the page is written and verified each time the page is read. Only data pages are protected by checksums; internal data structures and temporary files are not.

SQLite likewise does no checksumming by default. Checksumming is an optional extension:

The checksum VFS extension is a VFS shim that adds an 8-byte checksum to the end of every page in an SQLite database. The checksum is added as each page is written and verified as each page is read. The checksum is intended to help detect database corruption caused by random bit-flips in the mass storage device.

But even this isn't perfect. Disks and nodes can fail completely. At that point you can only improve durability by introducing redundancy across disks (and/or nodes), for example, via distributed consensus.

Other reasons you need a WAL?

Some databases (like SQLite) require a write-ahead log to implement aspects of ACID transactions. But this need not be a requirement for ACID transactions if you do MVCC (SQLite does not). See my previous post on implementing MVCC for details.

Logical replication (also called change data capture (CDC)) is another interesting feature that requires a write-ahead log. The idea is that the log already preserves the exact order and changes that affect the database's "state machine". So we could copy these changes out of the system by tracking the write-ahead log, preserving change order, and apply these changes to a foreign system.

But again, just CDC is not about durability. It's an ancillary feature that write-ahead logs make simple.


A few key points. One, durability primarily matters if it is established before returning a success to the client. Second, a write-ahead log is a cheap way to get durability.

And finally, durability is a spectrum. You need to read the docs for your database to understand what it does and does not.