February 15, 2025

From web developer to database developer in 10 years

Last month I completed my first year at EnterpriseDB. I'm on the team that built and maintains pglogical and who, over the years, contributed a good chunk of the logical replication functionality that exists in community Postgres. Most of my work, our work, is in C and Rust with tests in Perl and Python. Our focus these days is a descendant of pglogical called Postgres Distributed which supports replicating DDL, tunable consistency across the cluster, etc.

This post is about how I got here.

Black boxes

I was a web developer from 2014-2021†. I wrote JavaScript and HTML and CSS and whatever server-side language: Python or Go or PHP. I was a hands-on engineering manager from 2017-2021. I was pretty clueless about databases and indeed database knowledge was not a serious part of any interview I did.

Throughout that time (2014-2021) I wanted to move my career forward as quickly as possible so I spent much of my free time doing educational projects and writing about them on this blog (or previous incarnations of it). I learned how to write primitive HTTP servers, how to write little parsers and interpreters and compilers. It was a virtuous cycle because the internet (Hacker News anyway) liked reading these posts and I wanted to learn how the black boxes worked.

But I shied away from data structures and algorithms (DSA) because they seemed complicated and useless to the work that I did. That is, until 2020 when an inbox page I built started loading more and more slowly as the inbox grew. My coworker pointed me at Use The Index, Luke and the DSA scales fell from my eyes. I wanted to understand this new black box so I built a little in-memory SQL database with support for indexes.

I'm a college dropout so even while I was interested in compilers and interpreters earlier in my career I never dreamed I could get a job working on them. Only geniuses and PhDs did that work and I was neither. The idea of working on a database felt the same. However, I could work on little database side projects like I had done before on other topics, so I did. Or a series of explorations of Raft implementations, others' and my own.


From 2021-2023 I tried to start a company and when that didn't pan out I joined TigerBeetle as a cofounder to work on marketing and community. It was during this time I started the Software Internals Discord and /r/databasedevelopment which have since kind of exploded in popularity among professionals and academics in database and distributed systems.

TigerBeetle was my first job at a database company, and while I contributed bits of code I was not a developer there. It was a way into the space. And indeed it was an incredible learning experience both on the cofounder side and on the database side. I wrote articles with King and Joran that helped teach and affirm for myself the basics of databases and consensus-based distributed systems.

Holding out

When I left TigerBeetle in 2023 I was still not sure if I could get a job as an actual database developer. My network had exploded since 2021 (when I started my own company that didn't pan out) so I had no trouble getting referrals at database companies.

But my background kept leading hiring managers to suggest putting me on cloud teams doing orchestration in Go around a database rather than working on the database itself.

I was unhappy with this type-casting so I held out while unemployed and continued to write posts and host virtual hackweeks messing with Postgres and MySQL. I started the first incarnation of the Software Internals Book Club during this time, reading Designing Data Intensive Applications with 5-10 other developers in Bryant Park. During this time I also started the NYC Systems Coffee Club.


After about four months of searching I ended up with three good offers, all to do C and Rust development on Postgres (extensions) as an individual contributor. Working on extensions might sound like the definition of not-sexy, but Postgres APIs are so loosely abstracted it's really as if you're working on Postgres itself.

You can mess with almost anything in Postgres so you have to be very aware of what you're doing. And when you can't mess with something in Postgres because an API doesn't yet exist, companies have the tendency to just fork Postgres so they can. (This tendency isn't specific to Postgres, almost every open-source database company seems to have a long-running internal fork or two of the database.)


Two of the three offers were from early-stage startups and after more than 3 years being part of the earliest stages of startups I was happy for a break. But the third offer was from one of the biggest contributors to Postgres, a 20-year old company called EnterpriseDB. (You can probably come up with different rankings of companies using different metrics so I'm only saying EnterpriseDB is one of the biggest contributors.)

It seemed like the best place to be to learn a lot and contribute something meaningful.

My coworkers are a mix of Postgres veterans (people who contributed the WAL to Postgres, who contributed MVCC to Postgres, who contributed logical decoding and logical replication, who contributed parallel queries; the list goes on and on) but also my developer-coworkers are people who started at EnterpriseDB on technical support, or who were previously Postgres administrators.

It's quite a mix. Relatively few geniuses or PhDs, despite what I used to think, but they certainly work hard and have hard-earned experience.

Anyway, I've now been working at EnterpriseDB for over a year so I wanted to share this retrospective. I also wanted to cover what it's like coming from engineering management and founding companies to going back to being an individual contributor. (Spoiler: incredibly enjoyable.) But it has been hard enough to make myself write this much so I'm calling it a day. :)

† From 2011-2014 I also did contract web development but this was part-time while I was in school.